Map of District Owned Sites
Map of District Owned Sites

Map of district owned properties
Note that within a given site there may be multiple organizations working on that site. We often lease out small amounts of space to a variety of organizations, which not only help our community but also provide valuable rent that we allocate towards our students.
Facilities Overview
Facilities Overview
Ravenswood City School District owns a large amount of land across East Palo Alto and the Belle Haven neighborhood of Menlo Park. The District is currently responsible for managing properties for the following schools and organizations. On this page you can learn about the district's facilities planning process, bond measures H&S, and the CCRMS construction project.
Recent Updates
Recent Updates
- April, 2022 - The board authorized placing Measure I, a $110m general obligation bond, on the June ballot. Learn more in this Palo Alo Online article.
- February, 2022 - CCRMS construction is underway and making progress, as featured in this Almanac article
- January 20, 2022 - District presents facilities update to the board
- October 22, 2021 - District releases requests for proposals for 2120 Euclid and the Flood School Site
- May 27, 2021 - Board approves resolution declaring the intent to lease the Flood Site and 2120 Euclid
- March 25th, 2021 - District awarded a 0% state loan to install solar panels at all schools over the next two years (see this Board Agenda item 7.G)
- May 5th, 2021 - District partners with US Soccer Foundation to install a mini-pitch at Belle Haven
- January 15th, 2021 - District presents facilities update to the board
- January 14th, 2021 - District announces $50m rennovation plan for CCRMS
District Properties
District Properties
Five district run sites:
- Belle Haven Elementary
- Cesar Chavez Ravenswood Middle School
- Costano School of the Arts
- Los Robles - Ronald McNair
- 2120 Euclid (the District Office)
Two charter schools:
- East Palo Alto Charter School (Aspire)
Several other organizations:
- All Five
- Boys and Girls Club of the Penninsula
- Family Connections
- Foundation for a College Education
- Izzy (formerly known as IHSD)
- The Primary School
- Silicon Valley International School
- The WIC Center
Facilities Feedback Form
Facilities Feedback Form
- Choose Ravenswood
- Board of Education
- Ravenswood Promise
- Concerns & Complaints
- Superintendent
- Ravenswood Education Foundation
- Departments
- Teaching and Learning
- Education Services
- Human Resources
- Business Services
- Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation
- Strategy, Talent, and Engagement
- Strategy
- Human Resources
- CBA Between CSEA and Ravenswood
- CSEA and RCSD Tentative Agreement
- MOUs & Side Letters Between RCSD/CSEA
- Salary Schedule for Classified Employees
- CBA Between RTA and Ravenswood
- CSEA Health & Welfare MOU
- MOUs & Side Letters Between RCSD/RTA
- Career Ladder for Certificated Employees
- Salary Schedule for Management
- Employment and Income Verifications
- Teacher Salary Resources
- Leaves Information Packet
- Employee Handbook
- Employee Negotiations
- Engagement
- Facilities