Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation
What We Do
What We Do
The Maintenance, Operations and Transportation team is dedicated to providing a safe, high-quality learning environment for the students and staff in Ravenswood City School District. Our maintenance staff strives to provide high levels of confidence by maintaining safe and secure environments for children to learn and play, while our grounds staff maintains a professional exterior and our well-trained bus drivers make it a priority to get students to school on time and ensure they arrive home safely.
Facilities Planning
Information about Facilities Plans Field Trip/Bag Lunch Request Form Click to submit a field trip request via Chalk Schools form |
Information about bus schedules and school transportation District and School Sites Water Reports
Water testing reports for sites. If you are interested in renting one of our sites on a one-time or recurring basis, you can use our online platform here.
Delma Maciel
Director of Operations
650-329-2800 ext. 60169
Director of Operations
650-329-2800 ext. 60169
Jennifer Mose
650-329-2800 ext. 60172
650-329-2800 ext. 60172
Fax: (650) 326-6305
- Choose Ravenswood
- Board of Education
- Ravenswood Promise
- Concerns & Complaints
- Superintendent
- Ravenswood Education Foundation
- Departments
- Teaching and Learning
- Education Services
- Human Resources
- Business Services
- Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation
- Strategy, Talent, and Engagement
- Strategy
- Human Resources
- CBA Between CSEA and Ravenswood
- CSEA and RCSD Tentative Agreement
- MOUs & Side Letters Between RCSD/CSEA
- Salary Schedule for Classified Employees
- CBA Between RTA and Ravenswood
- CSEA Health & Welfare MOU
- MOUs & Side Letters Between RCSD/RTA
- Career Ladder for Certificated Employees
- Salary Schedule for Management
- Employment and Income Verifications
- Teacher Salary Resources
- Leaves Information Packet
- Employee Handbook
- Employee Negotiations
- Engagement
- Facilities