Education Services
There are several departments in the school district dedicated to helping students succeed. The Educational Services department ensures that all students receive the academic, social-emotional, mental and physical health, and attendance support they need to be successful. The Ed Services team works with principals, assistant principals, COST/MTSS teams, and school staff to identify students who need intervention or support and to create systems for delivering and monitoring the efficacy of that support. Our team members provide a broad range of support on everything from attendance to health and wellness services to special education – please use the menu on the right to get more information on each of these topics.
Can't find what you're looking for? Please feel free to contact one of our team members.
Education Services Team
Education Services Team
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning
(650)329-2800 ext. 60111
Stacey Wyatt
Director, Special Education
(650)329-2800 ext. 60145
Emma Miranda
SEIS Coordinator
(650)329-2800 ext.60151
Fax: (650)327-8397
Anisha Agrawal
Program Specialist
(650)329-2800 ext. 60309
(650)329-2800 ext. 60309
Gabriel Welcher
Program Specialist
(650)329-2800 ext.60305
Manuel Villegas
District Nurse
(650)329-2800 ext.60130
mvillegas@ravenswoodschools.orgMaria Reyes
Health Aide
Greta Wagner
Mental Health Coordinator
(650)329-2800 ext.60311
(650)329-2800 ext.60311

- Choose Ravenswood
- Board of Education
- Ravenswood Promise
- Concerns & Complaints
- Superintendent
- Ravenswood Education Foundation
- Departments
- Teaching and Learning
- Education Services
- Human Resources
- Business Services
- Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation
- Strategy, Talent, and Engagement
- Strategy
- Human Resources
- CBA Between CSEA and Ravenswood
- CSEA and RCSD Tentative Agreement
- MOUs & Side Letters Between RCSD/CSEA
- Salary Schedule for Classified Employees
- CBA Between RTA and Ravenswood
- CSEA Health & Welfare MOU
- MOUs & Side Letters Between RCSD/RTA
- Career Ladder for Certificated Employees
- Salary Schedule for Management
- Employment and Income Verifications
- Teacher Salary Resources
- Leaves Information Packet
- Employee Handbook
- Employee Negotiations
- Engagement
- Facilities