Student Success Team (SST)
Can I refer my child for an SST?
The SST process can be initiated by the classroom teacher or any other staff member who works with the student. Before a referral is made, a level one meeting (refer to form S-2) should take place prior to the referral. A level 1 meeting is held at the school site with the classroom teacher and the parent, other staff members may join.
Does the SST process guarantee that my student will qualify for Special Education services?
No, however the SST process should be utilized before a referral is made for a complete Special Education evaluation. A direct referral can be made from any staff member, however extensive documentation must accompany that direct referral.
The SST process can be initiated by the classroom teacher or any other staff member who works with the student. Before a referral is made, a level one meeting (refer to form S-2) should take place prior to the referral. A level 1 meeting is held at the school site with the classroom teacher and the parent, other staff members may join.
Does the SST process guarantee that my student will qualify for Special Education services?
No, however the SST process should be utilized before a referral is made for a complete Special Education evaluation. A direct referral can be made from any staff member, however extensive documentation must accompany that direct referral.
If you have questions regarding SST, please contact your school site administrator.
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