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The Ravenswood City School District Technology Department is responsible for the RCSD data network, phone communications, and administrative and academic computing.
Mission: The mission of the Technology Department is to provide access, service, support and professional development in educational media, telephony, and technology for the entire Ravenswood City School District community. By providing a technology-rich academic environment to students, teachers and staff, we support the integration of technology into the curriculum to foster improved student academic achievement and literacy, thus fulfilling the mission of the Ravenswood City School District.
Technology Plan
All technology (and other) RFPs listed
Donation requirements and instructions
Technology Team

Technology Team

Phone: (650) 329-2800 x60166
Fax: (650) 327-7004
HelpDesk and New Technology Support Requests
Solomon Hill
Executive Director
(650) 329-2800 ext. 60166
Mike Shaw
Assistant Director
(650) 329-2800 ext. 60153
Tony Solorzano
Lead Technology/Network Specialist
(650) 329-2800 ext. 60129
David Salgado
Technology Specialist
(650) 329-2800 ext. 60120
Olga Jaramillo
Technology Specialist
(650) 329-2800 ext. 60149
Sue Allen
Technology Volunteer
(650) 329-2800 ext 60139