Compliance and Accountability
Ravenswood City School District must comply with all applicable federal, state, county, and local requirements. This page includes documents and plans that relate to each of the various compliance, accountability, and data requirements that the district is subject to. The information provided here often uses standardized templates to comply with the relevant reporting requirements.
Ravenswood strives to make data-driven decisions with an equity-based mindset, to manage our resources responsibly, sustainably, and strategically, in service of all students.
Plans, Reports, and Documents
Plans, Reports, and Documents
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and LCAP Federal Addendum
In order to receive federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) funds, the District is required to complete a Local Education Agency (LEA) Plan that describes how it intends to meet annual goals for all students and address state and local priorities. Three items comprise the LEA Plan: the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), Consolidated Application (ConApp), and the LCAP Federal Addendum.
Covering a three-year period, LCAPs are updated annually to reflect progress and changes in district circumstances and/or needs. These plans address student performance in identified areas for growth. The LCAP also clarifies how districts spend funds received through the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).
Current LCAP Documents
The LCAP and associated documents were approved at the Board Meeting on June 27, 2024
- 2024-27 (all components) in English
- 2024-25 SMCOE Clarification Table
- LCAP Federal Addendum updated June 2024
- Local Indicators Self-Reflection Document and Slide Deck
LCAP Public Hearing - June 13, 2024
- 2024-27 LCAP (all components) in English - This is a draft for the public hearing, and will be updated based on input. Please provide feedback via email to
Prior LCAP Documents
The LCAP Public Hearing was held on June 8, 2023. The LCAP and Federal Addendum were Board Approved on June 22, 2023.
- 2023-24 Revised LCAP (all components) in English which was updated in response to SMCOE's request for clarification
- Public Hearing Presentation at the Board Meeting on June 8, 2023
- LCAP Federal Addendum as at June 2023
- Local Indicators Report and Presentation
- Written Response to Feedback
- Approval Letter from SMCOE
- 2023-24 Mid Year Monitoring Report and Board Presentation
The 2022-23 LCAP and Federal Addendum were Board Approved on June 23, 2022.
- 2022-23 Board Approved LCAP in English (and in Spanish) which was updated in response to SMCOE's request for clarification
Prior LCAP Documents
The 2021-22 LCAP was Board Approved on June 24, 2021
The goal of the LCFF is to significantly simplify how state funding is provided to local educational agencies (LEAs). LEAs will receive funding based on the demographic profile of the students they serve and gain greater flexibility to use these funds to improve outcomes of students. The LCFF creates funding targets based on these students characteristics.
For school districts and charter schools, the LCFF funding targets consist of grade span-specific base grants plus supplemental and concentration grants that reflect student demographic factors. Supplemental and concentration grant amounts are calculated based on the percentage of “unduplicated pupils” enrolled in the LEA on Census Day (first Wednesday in October).
“Unduplicated” means that each pupil is counted only once even if the pupil meets more than one of these criteria (EC sections 2574(b)(2) and 42238.02(b)(1):(1) are English learners(2) meet income or categorical eligibility requirements for free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Program(3) are foster youth
This formula and finance system also requires districts to create a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), which describes how they intend to meet annual goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities identified pursuant to California Education Code (EC) sections 52060(d), 52066(d), and 47605.
The State and Local Priorities are:
- 21-24 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) in English or in Spanish
- Includes the Plan Summary, Stakeholder Engagement, Goals and Actions, Increased or Improved Services for Foster Youth, English Learners, and Low-income Students, and Expenditure Tables
- 21-22 Budget Overview for Parents (BOP)
- Annual Update for 19-20 LCAP and 20-21 Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (LCP)
- Components of the 21-24 LCAP, BOP and Annual Updates posted as one document
- This document has had minor revisions following its submission to San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE). Information about the adjustments or clarifications are indicated on this Clarification Table.
- Written Response to Feedback (English and Spanish)
- Overview of 21-22 Goals and Actions
- Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Consultation Letter (sent on April 19, 2021)
- Public Hearing on June 10, 2021 - Presentation Slides (English and Spanish)
- 2021 Local Indicators in English and Spanish
- San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE) Approval Letter (sent on September 24, 2021)
Mid-Year Update:
Section 124(e) of Assembly Bill 130 requires us to present an update to the 21-22 LCAP, on or before February 28, 2022, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing board. At the meeting, we must include all of the following components:
The goal of the LCFF is to significantly simplify how state funding is provided to local educational agencies (LEAs). LEAs will receive funding based on the demographic profile of the students they serve and gain greater flexibility to use these funds to improve outcomes of students. The LCFF creates funding targets based on these students characteristics.
1 - “Basic Conditions of Learning”
2 - “State Standards”
3 - “Parental Involvement”
4 - “Pupil Achievement”
5 - “Pupil Engagement”
6 - “School Climate”
7 - “Course Access”
8 - “Other Pupil Outcomes”
The LCAP is intended as a comprehensive planning tool to support student outcomes and is an important component of the local control funding formula (LCFF). The LCAP provides an opportunity for local educational agencies (LEAs) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs.
Within California, LEAs that apply for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) funds must also complete the LCAP Federal Addendum as part of meeting the requirements for the ESSA LEA Plan. The LCAP Federal Addendum describes the actions that the District will take to ensure that certain programmatic requirements are met, particularly relating to the federal funds received through categorical programs. Actions described include the district's student academic services designed to increase student achievement and performance, coordination of services, needs assessments, consultations, supplemental services, services to homeless students, and others as required.
Archived LCAP-related Documents
- Governor’s Executive Order on LCAP issued on April 22, 2020
- Learning Continuity Plan SY 2020-21 / Learning Continuity Plan SY 2020-21 Spanish
- Recovery Plan 2020 / Recovery Plan 2020 - Spanish
- COVID-19 Operations Written Report for Ravenswood City School District - Board Approved 06/11/2020
- 2019-20 LCAP Federal Addendum
- 2019-20 LCAP Board Approved 8/8/2019
- 2017-20 LCAP Board Approved 06/22/17 / 2017-20 LCAP Junta Directiva Aprobada 06/22/17
- 2017-2018 LCAP Formation Documents, including presentations & feedback
School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Education Code Section 64001 specifies that schools and districts that receive state and federal funding through the district's Consolidated Application (ConApp) process must prepare a School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for any recipient school. The purpose of the SPSA is to describe school planning efforts across education services at the school. The content of the SPSA shall be aligned with goals for improving student achievement and address how funds will be used to improve academic performance.
Each SPSA was developed in collaboration with the school's combined School Site Council/English Learner Advisory Committee (SSC/ELAC) and addresses how funds provided to the school will be used to improve the academic performance of all pupils. All SPSA goals are also closely aligned with the Ravenswood LCAP.
For any schools been identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), or Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI), their SPSA will also be used to meet the applicable requirements, to develop and implement a plan to improve student outcomes.
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
State law requires that schools receiving state funding prepare and distribute a School Accountability Report Card (SARC). The purpose of the report card is to provide parents and the community with important information about each school, including reporting on school and district data aligned to the state priorities from the Quality Schooling Framework.
The School Accountability Report Card shall include, but is not limited to, the conditions listed in EdCode Section 33126. The governing board of each school district annually shall issue a School Accountability Report Card for each school in the school district, publicize those reports, and notify parents or guardians of pupils that a hard copy will be provided upon request.
"2023 SARCs" Reported Using Data from the 22-23 School Year, Published during 23-24:
"2022 SARCs" Reported Using Data from the 21-22 School Year, Published during 22-23:
"2021 SARCs" Reported Using Data from the 20-21 School Year, Published during 21-22:
- 2021 - Belle Haven Elementary / en Español
- 2021 - Costaño School of the Arts / en Español
- 2021 - Los Robles-Ronald McNair Academy / en Español
- 2021 - Cesar Chavez Ravenswood Middle School / en Español
As reported on January 6, 2022 - The California Department of Education (CDE) have announced that they are unable to provide completed teacher data tables before the legislated deadline. The CDE SARC team encourages all LEAs to post their Board approved 2020-21 SARCs by the February 1 due date without the teacher data. A second Board review/approval of the SARCs once the teacher data tables are populated will not be required. These English version of the documents were updated in July 2022 when the teacher data tables became available.
"2020 SARCs" Reported Using Data from the 19-20 School Year, Published during 20-21:
- Belle Haven Elementary - English.pdf
- Belle Haven Elementary - Spanish / Español.pdf
- Costano School of the Arts - English.pdf
- Costano School of the Arts - Spanish / Español.pdf
- Los Robles - Ronald McNair Academy - English.pdf
- Los Robles - Ronald McNair Academy - Spanish / Español.pdf
- Cesar Chavez Ravenswood Middle School - English.pdf
- Cesar Chavez Ravenswood Middle School - Spanish / Español.pdf
- 2018-2019 Belle Haven.pdf
- 2018-2019 Belle Haven_Spanish.pdf
- 2018-2019 Brentwood.pdf
- 2018-2019 Brentwood_Spanish.pdf
- 2018-2019 Costano.pdf
- 2018-2019 Costano_Spanish.pdf
- 2018-2019 Los Robles-Ronald McNair.pdf
- 2018-2019 Los Robles-Ronald McNair_Spanish.pdf
- 2018-2019 Ravenswood Middle School.pdf
- 2018-2019 Ravenswood Middle School_Spanish.pdf
- 2018-2019 Willow Oaks.pdf
- 2018-2019 Willow Oaks_Spanish.pdf
School districts that receive Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds under the American Rescue Plan Act, referred to as ESSER III funds, are required to develop a plan for how they will use their ESSER III funds. In the plan, an LEA must explain how it intends to use its ESSER III funds to address students' academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs, as well as any opportunity gaps that existed before, and were worsened by, the COVID-19 pandemic.
Districts were also required to submit an "LEA Plan for the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services". Until September 30, 2023, we must regularly (but no less frequently than every six months) review and, as appropriate, revise its plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services. After the initial submission, revised plans do not need to be resubmitted to the CDE, but they must be publicly posted on the LEA’s website.
Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan (ELOG)
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan must be completed by school districts that receive Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant funds under California Education Code (EC) Section 43521(b). The plan must be adopted by the local governing board or body of the LEA at a public meeting on or before June 1, 2021, and must be updated to include the actual expenditures by December 1, 2024.
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan (English) - Board Approved on May 13, 2021
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan (English) - updated with year-to-date expenditures as of December 1, 2022
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan (English) - updated with reported expenditures as of March 31, 2024. These grant funding sources have now all been fully expended, therefore we do not anticipate any further changes to the reported expenditures.
Expanded Learning Opportunities Plan (ELOP)
The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides funding for afterschool and summer school enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through sixth grade.
“Expanded learning” means before school, after school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. It is the intent of the Legislature that expanded learning programs are pupil-centered, results driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate, learning activities in the regular schoolday and school year.
Local educational agencies must operate the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program pursuant to the requirements in California Education Code Section 46120, including the development of a program plan. The program plan needs to be approved by the Local Educational Agency's (LEA) Governing Board in a public meeting and posted on the LEA's website.
Educator Effectiveness Block Grant
As part of Assembly Bill 130, the State created an Educator Effectiveness Block Grant. Through this program, Ravenswood has automatically been awarded $606,365.00. These funds can be expended during the 2021-22 school year or at any point until the end of the 2025-2026 school year.
The district must develop and adopt an plan for spending these funds. The initial plan was presented in a public meeting of the governing board (October 28, 2021) before its adoption in a subsequent public meeting (November 18, 2021).
California Community Schools Partnership Program: Implementation Grant
Ravenswood is thrilled to be one of 70 districts statewide included in the first cohort of the California Community Schools implementation grant. The California Community Schools Partnership Program Implementation Grant funds are to be used to support the establishment of new community schools and/or the expansion or continuation of existing community schools. A community school is a "whole-child" school improvement strategy where the local educational agency and school(s) work closely with teachers, students, and families. Community schools partner with community agencies and local government to align community resources to improve student outcomes.
- Ravenswood's CCSPP Narrative Application (English)
- Ravenswood's Implementation Plan (English)
- Sustainability Plan - this is a living document and will be adjusted to reflect the current situation on a regular basis
Comprehensive School Safety Plans (CSSP)
On September 27, 2018, Governor Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 1747 School Safety Plans. You will find AB 1747 on the California Legislative Information web page. Key provisions of California Education Code (EC) include requiring local educational agencies (LEAs) and the California Department of Education (CDE) to include and post requirements for new content and procedures in the Comprehensive School Safety Plans (CSSPs), which have been implemented.
California Education Code (EC) Section 32281(a) requires every kindergarten through grade twelve school, public and public charter, including community and court schools, to develop and maintain a CSSP designed to address campus risks, prepare for emergencies, and create a safe, secure learning environment for students and school personnel. In a school district with fewer than 2,501 units of average daily attendance, there may be one CSSP for all schools within the district.
The law requires designated stakeholders to annually engage in a systematic planning process to develop strategies and policies to prevent and respond to potential incidents involving emergencies, natural and other disasters, hate crimes, violence, active assailants/intruders, bullying and cyberbullying, discrimination and harassment, child abuse and neglect, discipline, suspension and expulsion, and other safety aspects.
Current Documents:
Home To School Transportation
The state recently passed AB 181 which reimburses some of the costs of transportation. As part of this, we are required to develop a plan that is approved by the board by April 1, 2023. It also requires that “The plan shall be presented and adopted by the governing board of the local educational agency in an open meeting with the opportunity for in-person and remote public comment”.
The plan was approved at the March 23, 2023 Board meeting:
After School Education and Safety Program (ASES)
The purpose of the After School Education and Safety Program is to create incentives for establishing locally-driven Expanded Learning programs, including after school programs that partner with public schools and communities to provide academic and literacy support, and safe, constructive alternatives for youth. The ASES Program involves collaboration among parents, youth, and representatives from schools, governmental agencies, individuals from community-based organizations, and the private sector.
CDE Resource:
Family Engagement
Each school has developed and approved a "parent and family engagement policy", and a "school-parent compact", with attendees at their SSC/ELAC meetings. As a part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)'s Title I Part A, the Ravenswood City School District, with parents and family members as part of the DAC/DELAC meetings, has jointly developed, mutually agreed upon, and distributed to, parents and family members of participating children a written Local Educational Agency (LEA) parent and family engagement policy. These policies and compacts have been provided here in English, and are available in Spanish.
Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires that local educational agencies (LEAs), conduct outreach to all parents and family members and implement programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents and family members. Such programs, activities, and procedures shall be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children (ESSA Section 1116[a][1]).
Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires that local educational agencies (LEAs), conduct outreach to all parents and family members and implement programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents and family members. Such programs, activities, and procedures shall be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children (ESSA Section 1116[a][1]).
Additionally, schools must develop a Parent and Family Engagement Policy as outlined in ESSA Section 1116(b). Schools must adhere to the Parent Involvement Requirements as outlined in ESSA Section 1116(c). Schools must develop a shared responsibility for a School-Parent Compact as outlined in ESSA Section 1116(d). The governing board of each school district shall adopt a policy on parent involvement, consistent with the purposes and goals set forth in Section 11502, for each school not governed by Section 11503 (EdCode Sec 11504).
- Belle Haven School Family Engagement Policy and Compact
Costano School Family Engagement Policy and Compact
- Los-Robles Ronald McNair Academy Family Engagement Policy and Compact
Cesar Chavez Ravenswood Middle School Family Engagement Policy and Compact
- District-level Family Engagement Policy
AM&IM and Prop 28/AMS
AM&IM: Arts, Music, & Instructional Materials Block Grant
AMIM Grant funds are allocated to LEAs for five purposes enumerated in Section 134(a) of Chapter 2 of the Statutes of 2022, as amended by Section 56 of AB 185, which may be briefly summarized as: (1) obtaining standards-aligned professional development and instructional materials for specified subject areas; (2) obtaining professional development and instructional materials for improving school climate; (3) developing diverse, culturally relevant and multilingual school library book collections; (4) operational costs, including retirement and health care cost increases; and (5) COVID-19-related costs necessary to keep pupils and staff safe and schools open for in-person instruction.
Prop 28: The Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) Act
Per California Education Code (EC) Section 8820(g)(4), Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) must have the specific CDE-generated annual report board approved, submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE), and posted to the LEA's website. The report includes the number of full-time equivalent teachers, classified personnel, and teaching aides; the number of pupils served; and the number of school sites providing arts education programs with AMS funds.
AB1466 Reporting (Pupil Restraints and Seclusion)
AB1466 - Pupil discipline: restraint and seclusion
This requires an LEA to annually post on its website a report of the use of behavioral restraints and seclusion for students enrolled in or served by the LEA for all or part of the prior school year.
2023-2024 | Students with a 504 Plan | Students with an IEP | Students who do not have a 504 Plan or IEP |
Number of Students subjected to Mechanical Restraint | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Number of Students subjected to Physical Restraint | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Number of Students subjected to Seclusion | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Number of Times Mechanical Restraint was used on Students | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Number of Times Physical Restraint was used on Students | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Number of Times Seclusion was used on Students | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Competitive Athletics (EC 221.9)
“Competitive athletics” means sports where the activity has coaches, a governing organization, and practices, and competes during a defined season, and has competition as its primary goal. Schools must make the following information publicly available.
Cesar Chavez Ravenswood Middle School has programming that meets this criteria.
2024-2025 | Boys | Girls | Non-binary/Other |
Total Enrollment of School | Not shared for privacy reasons | ||
Number of Students who participate in "competitive athletics" | Not shared for privacy reasons | ||
Number of Boys Teams and Girls Teams |
sport 1:
sport 2:
sport 1:
sport 2:
Not Applicable |
State Assessments
State Assessments
At the end of each school year, students in California public schools take several statewide tests. Teachers and students use these end-of-year state assessments to identify strengths and areas for improvement for the incoming school year. The test results may be used for local, state, and federal accountability purposes.
In addition to the CAASPP System, students who are identified as English Learners at all grade levels are administered the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC).Students in grades 5 and 7 are also expected to take the Physical Fitness Test (PFT).
On January 1, 2014, California Education Code Section 60640 established the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System of assessments. While the district has a broad testing window for these assessments (March through May), site-specific testing windows may vary.
The CAASPP System includes the following required assessments which are administered annually in the spring:
- Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics
- California Science Test (CAST)
- California Alternate Assessments (CAA) for eligible students
These English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, and Science tests measure whether students are on track to college and career readiness. In grade 11, once students are part of the Sequoia Union High School District, results from the ELA and math assessments can be used as an indicator of college and career readiness.
Pursuant to California Education Code Section 60615, parents/guardians may annually submit to the school a written request to excuse their child from any or all of the CAASPP assessments. Please contact your school Principal if you have any questions about the assessments.
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
California is part of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). The SBAC or Smarter Balanced assessments are computer adaptive assessments aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Ravenswood students in grades 3 through 8 are administered English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics assessments. This is often collectively referred to as "CAASPP" testing.For more information:
- Parent Guide to the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments
- CDE Webpage about the CAASPP System
- This CDE Webpage links to each of the "Parent Guides to Understanding". These are two-page flyers that answer key questions about California's assessment programs. Information is also included about how parents can support student success
- Starting Smarter Websites for CAASPP and ELPAC help parents to understand student scores and reports, view sample test questions, and provide additional resources to support student learning
California Science Test (CAST)
The California Science Test (CAST) is a computer-based assessment that measures students' achievement of the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS). Students apply their knowledge and skills of the Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Cross-Cutting Concepts. The CAST is administered in grades five and eight (and once at high school).
For more information:
- This CDE Webpage links to each of the "Parent Guides to Understanding". These are two-page flyers that answer key questions about California's assessment programs. Information is also included about how parents can support student success
- Starting Smarter Websites for CAASPP and ELPAC help parents to understand student scores and reports, view sample test questions, and provide additional resources to support student learning
California Alternate Assessments (CAA)
Some students will take alternate versions of state assessments. California Alternate Assessments (CAA) for ELA, Mathematics and Science are administered to students with disabilities. The student's individualized education program (IEP) team decides if is appropriate to use the alternate assessments. There is also an alternate version of English Language Assessments for California (ELPAC) for students with disabilities who are also identified as English Learners.Just like the CAASPP, these are computer-based tests, with the CAA for ELA and Mathematics assessments administered to students in grades 3-8, and the CAA for Science administered to students in grade 5 and 8.
What do the Alternate Assessments Measure?
For more information:
- CAA for ELA and Mathematics are aligned with alternate achievement standards—called the Core Content Connectors—and linked to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
- CAA for Science is aligned with alternate achievement standards—called the Science Core Content Connectors—which are linked to the performance expectations from the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS).
- The ELPAC measures proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in English. The Alternate ELPAC is aligned with California English Language Development Standards.
- Alternate Assessments for English Language Arts and Mathematics explains who takes CAA for ELA and Math, and why, how and when it is administered
- Alternate Assessments for Science explains who takes CAAs for Science, and why, how and when it is administered
- Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessments for California explains who takes Alternate ELPAC and why, how, and when it is administered
- General information and facts for parents about California Alternate Assessments in English (Spanish Version Here)
- This CDE Webpage links to each of the "Parent Guides to Understanding". These are two-page flyers that answer key questions about California's assessment programs. Information is also included about how parents can support student success
- Starting Smarter Websites for CAASPP and ELPAC help parents to understand student scores and reports, view sample test questions, and provide additional resources to support student learning
Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
The Physical Fitness Test (PFT) used in California schools is called the FitnessGram®. The main goal of the test is to help students in starting lifelong habits of regular physical activity, and evaluate their overall physical fitness. Ravenswood students in grades 5 and 7 would typically take this test in the Spring.For more information:
English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is the required state test that must be given to students identified as "English Learners" . State and federal law require that districts annually administer a state test of English Language Proficiency (ELP) to all eligible students in kindergarten through grade twelve.The ELPAC is aligned with the 2012 California English Language Development Standards. It consists of two separate assessments:
- "The Initial" is a shorter assessment, only administered to students (whose primary language is a language other than English) when they first enrol in a California school. This is used to identify if the student is considered an "English Learner" (EL).
- "The Summative" is an annual summative assessment, administered to all EL students, used to identify their current English language proficiency level, and to measure their progress in learning English.
Parent Guides to Understanding:
Alternate Assessments:
- CAASPP - Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for ELA and Math (English) (Spanish)
- CAST - California Science Test (English) (Spanish)
- CAA - California Alternate Assessments (English) (Spanish)
- ELPAC - English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (English) (Spanish)
- Alternate ELPAC (English) (Spanish)
- PFT - Physical Fitness Test (English)
- About the CAASPP System
- About the California Science Test (CAST)
- About the California Alternate Assessments (CAA)
- Collection of links for the "Parent Guides to Understanding" - These are two-page flyers that answer key questions about California's assessment programs. Information is also included about how parents can support student success.
- Starting Smarter Websites for CAASPP and ELPAC help parents to understand student scores and reports, view sample test questions, and provide additional resources to support student learning.
- General information and facts for parents about California Alternate Assessments in English (Spanish Version Here)
- Alternate Assessments for English Language Arts and Mathematics
- Alternate Assessments for Science
- Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessments for California
There are a number of ways that you can maximize your child's learning capabilities throughout the school year, which can lead to confident test-taking.Some of these strategies include:
- Assisting your child with homework and ensuring that your child is completing all homework assignments
- Helping to develop good study habits, thinking skills, and a positive attitude towards education from an early age
- Ensuring that your child has good attendance at school
- Staying in communication with your child's teacher
- Encouraging your child to read as much as possible
- Educational games and programs that your child enjoys
- Helping your child learn how to follow directions carefully
Systems and Processes
Systems and Processes
California School Dashboard
The California School Dashboard is part of the California Department of Education’s (CDE) school accountability system. It provides educators, parents, and the public with information about how local schools and districts are performing. The Dashboard:
- Uses multiple measures to track success
- Emphasizes equity by displaying data for student groups
- Enables local education agencies to make decisions addressing local needs
- Focuses on continuous improvement
State and Local Priorities
There are three areas of priorities in California public education. Each area is broken down into several priorities.Conditions of Learning
- Basic Services: Districts should provide all students access to fully credentialed teachers, instructional materials that align with state standards, and facilities that are maintained in good repair.
- Implementation of State Standards: Districts should implement California’s academic standards, including the Common Core State Standards for English/language arts, mathematics, Next Generation Science, English language development, history-social studies, visual and performing arts, health education, and physical education.
- Course Access: Districts should ensure that students can enroll in a broad course of study in a variety of subject areas.
- Parental Involvement: Districts must seek parent input in decision-making and promote parent participation in the educational programs of all students.
- Pupil Engagement: Districts must measure pupil engagement through school attendance rates, chronic absenteeism rates, dropout rates, and high school graduation rates.
- School Climate: Districts must measure school climate through student suspension and expulsion rates and other locally identified means, such as surveys of pupils, parents, and teachers on school safety and connectedness.
- Pupil Achievement: Districts should improve student achievement and outcomes according to multiple measures, including test scores, English proficiency, and college and career preparedness.
- Other Pupil Outcomes: Districts should measure additional important student outcomes related to required areas of study, including physical education and the arts
Federal Program Monitoring (FPM)
Federal and state laws require the California Department of Education (CDE) to monitor the implementation of categorical programs operated by local educational agencies (LEAs). In California, this is done through a process called "Federal Program Monitoring" (FPM). The FPM process ensures that LEAs meet fiscal and program requirements of federal categorical programs and mandated areas of state responsibility.Categorical Programs are established by state or federal legislation, are designed to supplement the existing core instructional program, and are typically developed to serve a specific targeted group or area of need.Over the past few years, Ravenswood has received funding from the following categorical programs:
What is the FPM Process?Each LEA in the state belongs to one of eleven regions, which are assigned to one of four cycles (A, B, C, or D). Each school year, data and evidence from approximately 132 LEAs across two Cycles are analyzed by CDE in either an "onsite" or "online" review.
Ravenswood's FPM ScheduleRavenswood is located in Region 4, assigned to Cycle B.
- Title I, Part A - Improving Academic Achievement, Improving Basic Programs
- Title II, Part A - Supporting Effective Instruction
- Title III, Part A - Language Instruction for English Learners
- Title III, Part A - Language Instruction for Immigrant Students
- Title IV, Part A - Student Support and Academic Enrichment
- After School Education and Safety Program (ASES) - Expanded Learning
- Stimulus Funding in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic (including Learning Loss Mitigation Funding, ESSER I, ESSER II, ESSER III, In-Person Instruction and Expanded Learning Opportunities Grants, GEER I, GEER II, GEER III)
- Onsite Review - consists of data and document review, in-person interviews with staff and families, site visits, and classroom observations
- Online Review - primarily consists of data and document review, though some staff interviews may be requested by the CDE FPM Reviewer.
2017-18: Online Review
2018-19: Not eligible for selection
2019-20: On-Site Review
2020-21: Not eligible for selection
2021-22: Online Review
2022-23: Not eligible for selection
2023-24: Not selected for an On-Site Review
2024-25: Not eligible for selection
2025-26: Potential to be selected for an Online Review
2026-27: Not eligible for selection
2027-28: Potential to be selected for an On-Site Review
2028-29: Not eligible for selection
CDE Program offices develop, and annually revise a document known as a "Program Instrument". This document represents federal or state laws, regulations, or controlling judicial decisions, arranged into core and supporting items. The LEA provides evidence to demonstrate of each of these "items". This helps the CDE to determine whether an LEA is meeting the requirements of each program. Each program instrument also contains appropriate legal citations, and may change from year to year to correspond with changes in laws, regulations, or judicial decisions. The schedule provided to the LEA will identify what will be reviewed for each program at the district level, and at the site level. For more information about the specific Program Instruments, please visit this CDE webpage.
Consolidated Application Reporting System (ConApp or CARS)
The Consolidated Application (ConApp) is used by the California Department of Education (CDE) to distribute categorical funds from various state and federal programs to the District.Annually in June, the District submits the spring release of the application to document our participation in these programs and provide assurances that the District will comply with the legal requirements of each program. Program entitlements are estimated through the formulas provided.The winter release of the application is submitted in February of each year and contains the District entitlements for each funded program. From this information, the District allocates funds for programs, services, and resources at both the district and school site level.
Charter Schools
Ravenswood Course Catalog
- Each school must annually compile a prospectus of the curriculum to include titles, descriptions and instructional goals for every course offered by the school.
- Also, schools that receive Title I funds will: Provide parents with a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the achievement levels of the State academic standards
Information provided in this document: Ravenswood Course Catalog / Prospectus
Annual Notifications
The Ravenswood School District is required to annually notify parents and guardians of rights and responsibilities in accordance with Education Code 48980. A printed copy is available upon request.
Se requiere que el Distrito Escolar de Ravenswood notifique anualmente a los padres y tutores sobre los derechos y responsabilidades de acuerdo con el Código de Educación 48980. Una copia impresa está disponible a pedido.
- Choose Ravenswood
- Board of Education
- Ravenswood Promise
- Concerns & Complaints
- Superintendent
- Ravenswood Education Foundation
- Departments
- Teaching and Learning
- Education Services
- Human Resources
- Business Services
- Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation
- Strategy, Talent, and Engagement
- Strategy
- Human Resources
- CBA Between CSEA and Ravenswood
- CSEA and RCSD Tentative Agreement
- MOUs & Side Letters Between RCSD/CSEA
- Salary Schedule for Classified Employees
- CBA Between RTA and Ravenswood
- CSEA Health & Welfare MOU
- MOUs & Side Letters Between RCSD/RTA
- Career Ladder for Certificated Employees
- Salary Schedule for Management
- Employment and Income Verifications
- Teacher Salary Resources
- Leaves Information Packet
- Employee Handbook
- Employee Negotiations
- Engagement
- Facilities