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Special Education Services

Ravenswood City School District is committed to educating students with disabilities.
In order to provide comprehensive support to students with special needs, specialists work together in a collaborative team approach to individualize education services based on the specific student's need. Services may be provided through curricular modifications, behavioral interventions, and/or assistance with social skills. This support may be direct, indirect, and/or technical. Direct support involves assistance given to the student within the general education classroom; outside of the general education classroom; through co-teaching, teaming, modeling, or small group instruction. Indirect support occurs outside the classroom and is provided in order to coordinate the instructional program; it includes co-planning with the general education teacher, collaborative team meeting, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) preparation, and observations. Additionally this may include  creating curricular modifications, and technical support may be provided to schools or staff members for program development in moving students into Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).
“I think my child may need special help in school. What do I do?"