Parents/guardians enjoy great relationships with their child's teachers, principal, and other professionals at Ravenswood. However, sometimes questions or concerns arise. When this happens, here's a simple guide to the Ravenswood City School District's Complaint Resolution Process. Keep in mind everyone has the same goal: our students' best interests.
Young people learn how to handle real-life situations from the behavior exhibited by the adults around them. At Ravenswood we strive to model for students how to resolve issues in a courteous, respectful and effective way.
Jennifer Gravem
Executive Director, Education Services
(650)329-2800 ext.60145
Process for Raising a Concern
Process for Raising a Concern
Where do I start?
Start with your student's teacher, counselor, nurse or other professional. Disputes and misunderstandings are often best resolved in person and may be the result of miscommunication. Often, misunderstandings can be cleared up or issues addressed through a courteous conversation at the school level.
What if the issue isn't resolved?
If the issue isn't resolved, speak with a school administrator.
You may feel you were unable to resolve the issue with school staff. In this case, you should schedule a meeting or phone call to discuss the situation with your school's assistant principal or principal.
What do I do last?
Last step, contact the District Office.
If you still feel there has not been a satisfactory resolution after exhausting all efforts in the steps outlined before, including discussing the situation with the principal, please contact the district office at (650) 329-2800. If you have not taken the steps above to resolve the issue with the school, you may be referred back to the school site.
The first step in resolving a complaint is to start with the process outlined above. Some issues may need to follow a more formal process, as detailed below:
Uniform Complaint Procedures
(Board Policy / Administrative Regulation 1312.3)
Some matters lie within the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) scope. A UCP is a written statement alleging unlawful discrimination or failure to comply with a federal and/or state law in regards to specific programs. A complaint must be filed by way of the UCP as written in the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Sections 4600-4687.
Williams Uniform Complaint
A Williams Complaint refers to insufficient instructional materials, emergency or urgent facilities conditions that pose a threat to the health and safety of pupils, and teacher vacancy or mis-assignment. Williams Complaints may be filed anonymously.
Hate-Motivated Behavior
Any student who believes they are a victim of hate-motivated behavior should contact the Executive Director of Educational Services or the principal.
Complaints Concerning Employees
(Board Policy / Administrative Regulation 1312.1)
Every effort should be made to resolve a complaint at the earliest possible stage. Whenever possible, the complainant should communicate directly to the employee in order to resolve concerns. Complaints by employees against other employees that are not covered by District non-discrimination or sexual harassment policies should be resolved by the immediate supervisor with assistance from HR if necessary.
How do I file a complaint?
The District Liaison can assist you in completing a formal complaint. The procedure is also available for the complainant to follow on their own and present to the District by way of the Superintendent's office (see: administrative regulation of complaint procedure).
Will my complaint be confidential?
It will depend upon the complaint. In many cases, however, the safety of the individual will require an investigation that will involve naming names. This should not deter a person from reporting an incident, whether involving themselves or others.
What other supports are available?
There are several interim supports for students that may be offered during an investigation: schedule changes, counseling, academic support, etc. Please ask the Liaison, listed above, for the supports available in a particular situation.
For more information on Title IX, click here.
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